
Predvoľba krajiny: Nemecko (+49)


As a fetish lady as well as a sub, Victoria Vixette is an authentic artist of the bizarre game on both sides. She skilfully stimulates the contrast between closeness and distance. A sometimes friendly, sometimes tough affection and the warm to bossy voice complement her sometimes sad., sometimes masochistic but always intense play instinct.

You just succumb to it. Her advantages include her lustful physicality and her empathy, her exciting verbal eroticism. There is also a preference for Span*ing (to medium hard).

You will happily fill your space below or above her. With fun for all sides, embarrassed and humiliated you or lets that happen to you. In this way every secret longing is stimulated. Every longing that she knows so well herself.

Regardless of whether it is eroticism, psychological border games, humiliation, t*rture, dirty games, tensioning or slv. education etc. She finds the germ of your sly desires, pairs them with her sexual energy and will nourish desires but also letting go.

MadameVictoria Vixette lives SM. It\'s natural and in no way fluffed or fake. Nothing gives you greater pleasure than upbringing, stimulation and use. There is mutual respect, Mindfulness and the observance of individual preferences and taboos at the top. No matter how extravagant, dirty or unusual your fantasy is, with Lady Victoria Vixette it can unfold. As switch, dominant or submissive, as lady, sub or slv. ... she lives and loves all sides as a sexual being fetish lady.

What do you want to experience with her?

Tel. 0152-38099650



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Sexuálny inzerát od eskorty SARAHBESUCHBARHAUSHOTELBESUCH – exkluzívne erotické zážitky

VICTORIAVIXETTE je vášnivá eskort a diskretne prostitútka.

Medzi ponúkané služby patrí Orálny sex, Hlboké hrdlo, Súlož, Análny sex, Pozícia 69, Služby pre mužov, Maznanie, Sprchovanie, Hranie rolí, Bizarná domina – perfektné pre zmyselnú blízkosť a nežnosť, ktorá pripomína skutočnú romantiku. VICTORIAVIXETTE vie každý okamih premeniť na výnimočný zážitok a individuálne reagovať na potreby hostí.

Záujemcovia môžu kontaktovať priamo cez +4915238099650, 015238099650, 0152-38099650. Túto príležitosť by ste si nemali nechať ujsť, pretože dostupnosť je časovo obmedzená.